business and industry

Referent: Prof. Matilde BiniEuropean University of RomeĀ E-mail:

From the strong boost generated by technological innovation emerges the need to train professional figures who can combine skills inherent in the computer science, statistics and management that can enter the job market to contribute to digital transformation processes. This is in response to the need, increasingly felt in the world of business and public administration, for technical skills, together with management and managerial skills – hard and soft skills – to implement advanced and intelligent data and information management and processing systems that are geared both to ensure an effective, efficient and profitable organization of processes and to increase the well-being of people, within organizational boundaries (workers) and externally (customers/users, suppliers, stakeholders).
The aim is to promote collaborations and give visibility to initiatives characterized by a strong interdisciplinary nature that foster the development of studies on the technologies and methodologies of statistics and information technology applied to the management of innovation projects-business models, organization and work processes. The results obtained may also be the object of reference for the definition of new content in the teachings of the disciplines of statistics and applied informatics, in bachelor’s, master’s and training courses.

Research group of Statistics for the Evaluation and Quality in Services (svqs)